Citizen Arms

Reliable Accurate Practical 1

Welcome to Citizen Arms, where the primary focus is to maximize the AR platform’s reliability, accuracy and practicality. We’re a North Carolina-based custom shop, licensed as a Type 07 FFL & Class II SOT, and have been producing finely-tuned, precision firearms since 2009.

Current Citizen Arms services include full builds on customer-provided lower receivers, accurizing/repairing/reconfiguring customer-owned ARs, built-to-order, complete upper receiver assemblies and applying custom finishes.

Be sure to check out our “Sale Items” page for occasional deals on new and lightly used (tested) firearms, NFA items and Citizen Arms gear.

Accurizations, Rebuilds & Repairs
Lightweight & Specialty Models
Citizen Arms 6.5 Grendel Upper
Custom Uppers
Ca Eastern Predator
Small Frame Standard Weight AR Options
6.5 Creedmoor, 22" bbl, Brown Shadow finish
Large Frame, Std. Weight Rifles
5.56 Pistol
Custom Finishes
NFA Builds on customer receivers

Click on the active links above to see samples of different Citizen Arms’ build types and services.

All customized firearms and upper builds are fully tuned, accurized and tested for function and accuracy and all work is backed. Services on other semi-auto platforms are offered on a space-available basis. Current lead time for most work is 2 to 3 months.

2 Corinthians 4


Sale Items



Citizen Arms, Copyright 2025